
PyMunin Multigraph Munin Plugin for monitoring Redis Server.

Multigraph Plugin: Yes
Multi-instance Plugin: Yes


The plugin implements the following graphs:

  • redis_ping

  • redis_conn_client

  • redis_conn_rate

  • redis_cmd_rate

  • redis_memory

  • redis_memory_fragmentation

  • redis_cpu_util

  • redis_hits_misses

  • redis_keys_expired

  • redis_keys_evicted

  • redis_subscriptions

  • redis_rdb_changes

  • redis_rdb_dumptime

  • redis_aof_filesize

  • redis_aof_bufflen

  • redis_aof_rewrite_bufflen

  • redis_aof_rewritetime

  • redis_db_totals

  • redis_db_keys

  • redis_db_expires


Configuration variables are passed to the Munin Plugins using environment variables. The environment variables for plugins are usually set in the plugin configuration files in the folder: /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d

The configuration variables implemented by the plugin are listed in the following table:

Variable Description
host Redis Server Host.
( by default.)
port Redis Server Port.
(6379 by default.)
db Redis DB ID.
(0 by default.)
password Redis Password (Optional)
socket_timeout Redis Socket Timeout
(Default: OS Default.)
unix_socket_path Socket File Path for UNIX Socket connections.
(Not required unless connection to Redis is through named socket.)
include_graphs Comma separated list of enabled graphs.
(All graphs enabled by default.)
exclude_graphs Comma separated list of disabled graphs.

Additionally the following configuration variables are implemented by the plugin for Multi Instance support:

Variable Description
instance_name Name of instance.
instance_label Graph title label for instance. (Default is the same as instance name.)
instance_label_format Controls how the instance label will be added to the graph title:
  • suffix (Default)
  • prefix
  • none


Redis Server Plugin ( redisstats ) has been developed by Ali Onur Uyar ([aouyar @ GitHub] (https://github.com/aouyar)).


Redis Server Plugin ( redisstats ) is copyrighted free software made available under the terms of the GPL License Version 3 or later.

See the file COPYING that acompanies the code for full licensing information.