
PyMunin Multigraph Munin Plugin for monitoring Apache Tomcat Server.

The Apache Tomcat status page must be configured and it must be accesible using credentials registered in Plugin Configuration.

Configuration example from tomcat-users.xml for Tomcat 6:

<user username="munin" password="********" roles="standard,manager"/>

Configuration example from tomcat-users.xml for Tomcat 7, with minimum level of privileges; access to Status Page only:

<user username="munin" password="********" roles="manager-status"/>

Configuration example from tomcat-users.xml for Tomcat 7 with privileges to access to Manager GUI and Status Page:

<user username="munin" password="********" roles="manager-gui,manager-status"/>
Multigraph Plugin: Yes
Multi-instance Plugin: Yes


The plugin implements the following graphs:

  • tomcat_memory

  • tomcat_threads

  • tomcat_access

  • tomcat_error

  • tomcat_traffic


Sample graphs for plugin:

Tomcat Access Tomcat Traffic
Tomcat Threads Tomcat Errors
Tomcat Memory


Configuration variables are passed to the Munin Plugins using environment variables. The environment variables for plugins are usually set in the plugin configuration files in the folder: /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d

The configuration variables implemented by the plugin are listed in the following table:

Variable Description
host Apache Tomcat Host.
port Apache Tomcat Port
(Default: 80, SSL: 443)
user Apache Tomcat Manager User.
password Apache Tomcat Manager User.
ssl Use SSL if yes.
(Default: no)
include_ports Comma separated list of connector ports to include in graphs.
(All included by default.)
exclude_ports Comma separated list of connector ports to include in graphs.
include_graphs Comma separated list of enabled graphs.
(All graphs enabled by default.)
exclude_graphs Comma separated list of disabled graphs.

Additionally the following configuration variables are implemented by the plugin for Multi Instance support:

Variable Description
instance_name Name of instance.
instance_label Graph title label for instance. (Default is the same as instance name.)
instance_label_format Controls how the instance label will be added to the graph title:
  • suffix (Default)
  • prefix
  • none


Apache Tomcat Server Plugin ( tomcatstats ) has been developed by Ali Onur Uyar ([aouyar @ GitHub] (https://github.com/aouyar)).


Apache Tomcat Server Plugin ( tomcatstats ) is copyrighted free software made available under the terms of the GPL License Version 3 or later.

See the file COPYING that acompanies the code for full licensing information.