
The first usable version of the Python Client Library for Health Graph API was released. The current version can be used for accessing RunKeeper to retrieve Fitness Activity and Health Measurement Information.


Python Client Library for Health Graph API. The API can be used for accessing RunKeeper for retrieving, updating, deleting and uploading Fitness Activity and Health Measurement Information.

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New versions of the code are be published for download at PyPI - the Python Package Index periodically.

You can download the latest development version of this code that is hosted at GitHub either in ZIP or TAR format.

You can also get the latest development version of the code by cloning the Git repository for the project by running:

git clone git://github.com/aouyar/healthgraph-api


The code can be downloaded and installed automatically using pip:

To install the latest version published in PyPI using pip execute:

pip install healthgraph-api

To install the latest development version directly from GitHub using pip execute:

pip install git+https://github.com/aouyar/healthgraph-api.git#egg=healthgraph-api

The other option is to download and uncompress the code manually and execute the included setup.py script to start installation:

./setup.py install


The Health Graph API uses OAuth 2.0 for security. Every application must be registered with the Applications Portal of Health Graph. Once registered, the application will be assigned a unique Client Identifier and the Client Secret for use with the Health Graph API.


The distribution includes a sample basic web application based on the Bottle Micro Web Framework for demonstrating how to use the library.

Installation and Configuration of the Sample Application

You can find the sample application in the following folder of the healthgraph-api distribution: ./samples/bottle.

Before running the sample application the prerequisite packages listed in requirements.txt must be installed. The prerequisite packages can easily installed using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: The sample application requires fairly updated versions of the prerequisite packages. Using virtualenv is highly recommended for installing the application in a sandboxed environment with the latest versions of the packages.

The Client Identifier and the Client Secret must be placed in the configuration file for the sample application: runkeeper_demo.conf

The application can be run by executing:

python runkeeper_demo.py -c runkeeper_demo.conf

The web interface could be reached at localhost port 8000 by default:

Retrieval of the Access Token

The Access Token for the Health Graph API can be retrieved by accesing the following URL from local_host:

Sending the Access Token to the client to be displayed in a web browser is a security risk. This page is provided just for testing. Normally, the _Access Token_ must never be sent to the client.


healthgraph-api is copyrighted free software made available under the terms of the GPL License Version 3 or later.

See the file COPYING that acompanies the code for full licensing information.